Jan's Blog!

Smallest Echo, Part 1: Zig

I was inspired by reading this blog https://briancallahan.net/blog/20200812.html Where the author wants is building the smallest executable echo binary for an x86_64 linux system. In the blog he gets to 848 bytes with programming in assembly and to 840 bytes when compiling a C version of the program with Clang. I really like optimizing code for size so I made myself this challenge to see how much further this could be pushed! Since the original post already covered C, lets start with a naive implementation of echo in my favorite compiled language, Zig!

9568 bytes

const std = @import("std");
const io = std.io;
const process = std.process;

pub fn main() !void {
    var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
    defer arena.deinit();

    const allocator = &arena.allocator;
    var args = try process.argsAlloc(allocator);
    defer process.argsFree(allocator, args);

    const stdout_stream = io.getStdOut().outStream();

    var arg_idx: usize = 1; // skip exe name
    while (nextArg(args, &arg_idx)) |arg| {
        try stdout_stream.writeAll(arg);
        if (arg_idx != args.len) {
            try stdout_stream.writeByte(' ');
    try stdout_stream.writeByte('\n');

fn nextArg(args: [][]const u8, idx: *usize) ?[]const u8 {
    if (idx.* >= args.len) return null;
    defer idx.* += 1;
    return args[idx.*];

build with: zig build-exe echo.zig --release-small --single-threaded && strip echo this produces a binary thats 9568 bytes in size, that not bad and certainly a lot smaller than the echo included with a linux distribution (though we have a lot less options). But it’s certainly not as small as the 840 bytes Brian managed to achieve with C in his blogpost. So where do we start saving? The current program is quite naive, so naive infact that when you add -target native-windows to the Zig compile options it even works on windows! While building crossplatfrom code is very neat, assuming a linux os can save us a lot of bytes. So lets rewrite our code to be compatible with linux only.

1752 bytes

const std = @import("std");
const linux = std.os.linux;

pub fn main() void {
    const args = std.os.argv;
    for (args[1..]) |arg, i| {
        _ = linux.write(1, arg, std.mem.len(arg));
        if (i != args.len - 2) _ = linux.write(1, " ", 1);
    _ = linux.write(1, "\n", 1);

Now that we’ve thrown away a lot of code that was helping us make our program cross platform we no longer need code for allocating arguments and we can use linux syscalls directly. This brings the size down to just 1752 bytes, but that’s still not anywhere near 840, so next up lets see whats actually in the binary!

running readelf -s echo reveals there are still several functions in included in the binary, they are: _start, std.start.posixCallMainAndExit, std.os.abort, std.os.raise

Apart from our entrypoint _start, we don’t really need those other functions, so lets ditch them! posixCallMainAndExit is Zig’s “main” function. Luckily it is really easy to get rid of the main function in Zig and define your own entry point:

800 bytes

const std = @import("std");
const linux = std.os.linux;

pub export fn _start() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
    const starting_stack_ptr: [*]usize = asm (""
        : [argc] "={rsp}" (-> [*]usize)
    const argc = starting_stack_ptr[0];
    const argv = @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, starting_stack_ptr + 1);

    for (argv[1..argc]) |arg, i| {
        _ = linux.write(1, arg, std.mem.len(arg));
        if (i != argc - 2) _ = linux.write(1, " ", 1);
    _ = linux.write(1, "\n", 1);


By looking at Zig’s main function and only taking the parts we actually need and building our own entrypoint we manged to save almost an entire kilobyte. We finally beat Brian’s original C implementation by 40(!) bytes. But why stop here? Let’s analyze the binary and see if there is more to be saved! Running readelf -S echo reveals that there some sections left, even after running the strip command, not all of which are neccesary, like the .comment section. While you could carve out sections of an elf file like so: objcopy --remove-section .comment echo. There is a very nice command line utility from the ELFKickers collection called sstrip this amazing little tool can really strip out every unneeded byte from an elf file, so lets try it! running sstrip -z echo instead of strip on the echo binary from the previous code snippet results in a 425 bytes file. Wow! this tool almost cut the size of out binary in half! Without affecting the functionallity of the program at all. Incredible. Unfortunatly running the tools twice does not make the binary half in size again magically. So lets take another look at our algorithm and see if we can do some more optimizations in the code!

408 bytes

const std = @import("std");
const linux = std.os.linux;

pub export fn _start() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
    const starting_stack_ptr = asm (""
        : [argc] "={rsp}" (-> [*]usize)
    const argc = starting_stack_ptr[0];
    var argv = @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, starting_stack_ptr + 1);

    for (argv[1..argc]) |arg, i| {
        var len: u64 = std.mem.len(arg);
        arg[len] = ' ';
        if (i == argc - 2) len -= 1;
        _ = linux.write(1, arg, len + 1);
    _ = linux.write(1, "\n", 1);


One optimization we can make is using the space the linux kernel kindly provided to us when it allocated the program arguments for us for our echo program we need to write a space after every argument except the last, then we need to write a newline. Instead of storing a string with a space in the binary, loading a pointer to it and doing a seperate syscall, we can store the space at place of the null byte at the end of the string. It would save even more bytes if we could do the same for the newline, unfortunatly the newline also needs to be printed if there are no arguments supplied to the echo program.

277 bytes

const std = @import("std");
const linux = std.os.linux;

pub export fn _start() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
    const starting_stack_ptr = asm (""
        : [argc] "={esp}" (-> [*]usize)
    const argc = starting_stack_ptr[0];
    var argv = @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, starting_stack_ptr + 1);

    for (argv[1..argc]) |arg, i| {
        const len = @intCast(u32, std.mem.len(arg));
        arg[len] = ' ';
        _ = linux.write(1, arg, len + 1);
        if (i == argc - 2) break;
    _ = linux.write(1, "\n", 1);


For this massive save we can thank intel and linux for 35 years of backwards compatibility! I modified the program slightly so it could be compiled for the intel i386 architecture. I then added -target i386-native to the Zig compile flags and it produced a 32 bit elf. 32 bit elfs are a lot smaller simply due to the wordsize being half as large as on a 64 bit platform. This saves a lot in header space, and also in instruction size! Our echo binary doesn’t need 64 bit words anyway. The only difference in functionality is that the stringlength of one argument may not exceed 232. Which is far larger than the linux kernel allows anyways. I think it’s reasonable to say this is the farthest it can be pushed with ordinary programming languages, if we want to make it smaller we’ll have to start getting our hands dirty with assembly… That’s it for now! In the next part we’ll leave Zig behind, and venture into the depths of the x86 programming manual.

Part 2